Thursday, March 29, 2012

March: In Like A Lion, and Out Like A...Well, Lion

Is it me, or did this month just fly by?

March 1st seemed like just yesterday, and spring only seemed to last for a week.

Thanks fluctuating weather for jump-starting my allergies. Boo! Hiss!

Outside of the weather, another spring seems to be headed this way. The country is in an uproar, and the old idioms no longer apply. The voiceless are yelling at top volume now, and those that have been resisting change, realize now that it's inevitable.

There's no need to go into detail. Y'all know exactly what I'm talking about...

Leave it to Mercury Retrograde to bring things to a head. Outside of the annoyances of Mercury Retrograde, some good things can come out of this time. It's a good time to edit, revise or finish lingering projects; evaluate goals, and what things you'd like to bring into your life, enjoy quiet solitude, and meditate; practice acceptance with curiosity, and a positive attitude; and of course, have a great sense of humor. You never know what life can bring you during this time.

I've definitely been in chill mode, mentally, spiritually, and emotionally. And a good thing too, because I've seen how the madness in the air has affected the people around me, in good and bad ways.

My husband and I even had a moment when the miscommunication tugged at our emotional and mental resolves, yet our bond strenghtened because our love took precedence over our fears and egos.

Whatever frantic energy remained, went straight into our work. And we've reached Level 10 on our grind scale in this month alone. (No, that is not a sexual pun, I promise. :-P)

Earlier, this month, I had the pleasure of attending two wonderful seminars: "Break Your Marketing Mold" with Dallas Travers, and "Brand New You" with Jenn Lederer. I highly recommenend both to any actor, no matter what level you are in your career.

Knowing how to market yourself, and not expecting someone else to do it for you, is key is this business.  And as Scrooge McDuck once said, "Work smarter, not harder."  Chase HAPPINESS, not status or the almighty penny, cause life will be really hard and stressful if you do, regardless of what materials you've gained.

I'd have say I've been very blessed during my journey as a newlywed and working actor. I've made some wonderful new friends and colleagues. I, unfortunately, had to say good bye to a wonderful colleague, Aaron Ingram, who made his transition last week. My friend, Bill Johnson, who was his business partner at ACT NOW Foundation, made a wonderful tribute to him.

It's been a wonderful year, thus far, and I look forward to what's to come.

Coming soon:  new pics, and info on upcoming shows.

Happy Thursday!! :-)

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