Monday, May 2, 2011

2 Weeks To Go!!...Well, 12 Days, But Who's Counting? ;-)

Yep, I'm counting down, and I'm very excited. Yayy!

Yesterday was my bridal shower, and it was sooo cute!  My Matrons of Honor set everything up in this cool apartment in Tribeca that had an AMAZING view.  I LOOOOVVVVEEEE Tribeca!  The food, festivals, shopping, architecture...That's another rant for another post for another time.

Anyhoo. Besides the gifts, and the food, and the drinks, and the advice, the best thing about the party was watching the girls play a game where they had to create a wedding dress out of toilet paper and paper clips. I can't wait to see the pics.  The best gift I received was from my best friend Natalie, who gave me a mini Oscar (my first of many, as she put it *smile*) with the inscription "Nihara Nichelle, Best Supporting Wife, Married Life - May 14 2011".  Yes, I got all teary eyed, but I blamed it on my allergies, and wine buzz ;-)

I truly am blessed that things have been running so smoothly. Besides the wedding day of course, I am anxious to see what the girls come up with for the bachelorette party.  Yesterday, was pretty tame, that's only because we didn't do a lot of drinking.  I can't even imagine what to expect when the booze starts flowing.

See, I know my girls.  I'm not worried about their antics.  What I'm looking forward to seeing, is what'll happen when my mom, my stepmom, my dad's new wife, my future mother-in-law, and grandmother get a little happy juice in them. 

I have a feeling it'll be an interesting night, to say the least...

My parents are having their own little fun with the idea of what may happen the night before the wedding.  My dad, with his silly self, said he wanted to join us for the bachelorette party, dressed as Madea.  I told him no, girls only, and never to mention that to anyone again lol. Then my mom took it a step further by saying she'd have her new 62 year old boyfriend strip for us. I don't want old or ashy balls, or anyone in drag that's related to me, or otherwise, anywhere near us. Ugh, that image will give me nightmares.

We have a few surprises in store for everyone, and I can't wait. 

Next stop, honeymoon in Cape Cod

1 comment:

  1. Ha!!!!!! Awesome post! I'm so glad you had a good time and loved your mini Oscar. Ummmmmm....don't think we will get too wild at the b-party but we will have fun!!
